Dont waste your $2.99 on this app. The upgrade doesnt give you anything except the option to add notes, sex (as in what day you had it), mood, and limited features. The purchase page said it had "more features". Oh you get to change the colors which are dull and email your partner. Theres no way to track temp, cervix texture, feel, opening, height, OPKs, or edit when you ovulate. You must wait 3 entire cycles for it to actually work properly for you. If you have any type of imbalance or rarely have cycles, this app isnt for you. Skip this app and get something that includes all those options for free. The developers need to take a good long hard look at their app and compare it to the FREE apps that offer way more before they start charging $2.99 for limited features.
FLaBeachQueen about Dot Period & Fertility Tracker, v1.2.1